1988 Ford Ranger 4×4 v1.0.0 Car

1988 Ford Ranger 4×4 v1.0.0 Car
Basically my dream truck. Just something I racked up in under a week. Really what the image was for my first mod put into the game, but all I had was the garbage model I had built over 2 years ago. Finally found a good model on 3dcadbrowser. To name a couple main points of the truck, you’ll find a few custom and iconic paint options, fully custom modeled and proper twin I-beam front suspension, and many tires to choose from. The dash is out of an 86 F-250.. I don’t care. It looks good anyway. In the many hours of deprived sleep my dumb a z z actually managed to accidentally delete the Max file for this thing off my computer which I was completely oblivious to until like the next day or something. “Observe the genius of my modding skill” So I can’t do anything else as far as the model goes. Textures and code/tuning can still be changed. Not that big of a deal though, it’s basically finished in my eyes. Was tired of doing crawlers and decided to make a closer-to-vanilla style rig, yet be decently capable on the trails. So tell me your thoughts, how well do you find it fitting into campaign gameplay? I mod more than actually play the game anyway so if some values or aspects seem too offset or overdone let me know and I may consider changing it.