iX 650 (WIP) (wrecker body coming soon™) Beta 1.1 Truck

iX 650 (WIP) (wrecker body coming soon™) Beta 1.1 Truck
So, this isn’t your typical iX build (for those of you familiar with my previous work). I have a friend who is also a really good XML tweaker, LoB1325, working with me to create a more manageable “vanilla” experience for those who prefer a more “base game” style of play, while also having modifications for crazy people like me who want to drive sideways on a rock wall with a semi truck. (No, you can’t do that in this truck yet. Probably ever because there is such a thing as too much, believe it or not.)
Add-ons are coming swiftly, but essentially very little is available yet. At release, it can use the “FrameAddon” base category which gives it vanilla access to the 2-slot sideboard and flatbed. Also, I borrowed from my buddy Emil’s add-ons to grab the single slot flat-bed/sideboard to use with the mini-crane for now. Until I get the wrecker body up and running, naturally. Also, the next update which brings the current PTS to the main server will make Emil’s collection obsolete for the single slot units as they will be available in the base game. Just thought I’d float that out there. But I wanted them available for right now. (I plan to get an non-animated version of the wrecker body out very very soon for the purpose of having it present for fitting add-ons etc.)
Also, gonna say it again, a little louder for the people in the back: THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS! Constructive criticism is wonderful and welcomed. Trash talk will be dealt with exactly as it is handed out. Straight into the circular file. Also: This is my first ever mod on any platform, so please be gentle, lol.
Known Issues: Many, LOL. Seriously though, issues I plan to address soon: Lack of glass. Lack of cockpit view. Maybe an issue with shading? (Truck is very dark at night). Lights aren’t lit yet, except for just enough headlights to get by. Lack of add ons.
Also also also: Sorry about the constant updates and the need to re-download the whole thing. I wish it was different. And yes: I could have held the mod back longer but I was excited to get it out to the public. Sorry, not sorry.