Azov 73210 Raised with US Cranes v1.1 Truck

Azov 73210 Raised with US Cranes v1.1 Truck

Despite being a powerful chassis, it was clearly designed as a dedicated crane vehicle, with a low cab to keep it from becoming too high for overpasses and such. The downside of this, however, is that the roads in Snowrunner aren’t what you might call ‘ordinary’. As a result, it tends to nose-dive into most dips and elevations, even on reasonably shallow road sections.

Additionally, the preview icon of the Azov 73210 shows it with the US red crane, whilst it cannot equip it by default.

With this small mod, both of those things are rectified, with the suspension raised and the cranes changed from the RU to the US versions.

Installation methods:

– Automatic: – This method doesn’t work in COOP as of now.

Subscribe & enable in-game via the mod section

– Manual: – This method works in COOP

  1. Click on and download the ‘manual’ zip
  2. Back up the initial.pak file in C:<instal directory>SnowRunneren_uspreloadpaksclient
  3. Replace the file with the included initial.pak

– Manual (In case you have another custom mod you wish to preserve): – This method works in COOP

  1. Click on and download the ‘manual’ zip
  2. Back up the initial.pak file in C:<instal directory>SnowRunneren_uspreloadpaksclient
  3. Open your custom initial.pak with winrar
  4. Add the ‘classes’ folder from the ‘manual’ zip to the [media]-folder

In regards to COOP:

If you have the mod installed via the manual method, you can use it in COOP, and friends can enter into it and use it. HOWEVER: unless they have the mod installed as well, they won’t have the same experience. The addons work just fine, but it appears the drive logic and all that is client-side, so it uses your own files. As a result, with this mod, other people will be able to use your vehicle, but they’ll not enjoy the raised suspension, and will see it slightly above the ground when you’re driving it. Because of how small an increase it is, it’s not directly noticeable, but it is there.

In other words: you can use it in COOP, but for the optimal experience, everybody who wants to drive it has to have it installed.


  • suspension height front 0.16 -> 0.3
  • suspension height rear 0.14 -> 0.25
  • large crane RU disabled
  • Large crane US enabled
  • Mini crane changed from RU to US


  • suspension height rear 0.25 -> 0.2

Known issues:
Due to the raised suspension, the flatbed semi occasionally seems to snag on the truck, causing it to be slightly stuck until it gets forced out of it. Doesn’t take much, and the vehicle generally has no problems driving off whilst it’s happening. Fix: v1,1 has a slightly lowered rear suspension, levelling out the truck unloaded. It might still be present, but it should be reduced.


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SnowRunner mods are like a boost for SnowRunner game players. But the problem is that not everyone knows what SnowRunner mods are for. If you’re one of them too, don’t worry. We’re here to help you. SnowRunner mods are like tools to change or to upgrade the SnowRunner game however you want. If some vehicles, trucks or maps are bothering you, you can simply change them with mods. If you want more trucks, maps or other vehicles mods – you can easily implement them. And all can be done just by using mods for SnowRunner. Want to hear some more great news? All the SnowRunner mods are completely free. Most probably you’ve already understood how beneficiary these SR mods can be. So don’t waste your lifetime opportunity to do whatever you want with SnowRunner game and download SnowRunner mods you want now.

Best SnowRunner SR Trucks mods

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