TUZ 420 DRST Ant CG V1.0 Vehicle
TUZ 420 DRST Ant CG V1.0 Vehicle
CG – Coop Game
There is already known TUZ 420 DRST Ant for coop game!
It will replace your original TUZ 420
Changes from TUZ 420 Ant :
Added special gearbox and engine
Remove cargo function
All others are default
Install manually.
1.Download MOD file.
3.Unrar all files to [Your drive]:[Game folder]SnowRunneren_uspreloadpaksclientinitial.pakmedia
Also You can use detailed instruction from youtube
Its on test mode, so please give you feedback, how its work)
Please push like if you like this mod)
All Your comments and recommendation are welcome!