Snowrunner – lost my vehicles

Snowrunner – lost my vehicles
There seems to be a misunderstanding about the retain function. Here is some details that should help:
If you retain a truck, it will be sent to your inactive trucks list, which is available and accessible through any garage.
If you don’t retain a truck (by going to the garage with a truck, then pressing your map and switching to another truck), it will be placed in one of 5 slots in that garage, accessible only there.
After a multiplayer session, you can’t keep the trucks of your friends once back in singleplayer.
Please let us know if you still haven’t found your trucks after checking every slots and garages. Send an email describing the issue to with your save.
If you’re on PC, it should be located in C:UsersUserOneDriveDocumentsMy GamesSnowRunnerbasestorage2e92ac4359e24a6b9441743f8917e395
(The last folder name can change on your computer, it’s always a long one)