Pacific p16 AWD Always V1.0.4 Addon

Pacific p16 AWD Always V1.0.4 Addon
Step 1: browse to C:Program FilesEpic GamesSnowRunneren_uspreloadpaksclient (Default game location)
Step 2: Open init.pak with WinRar (if Winrar cannot open a .pak file, right click on the .pak file and go to properties > Opens With and choos “WinRar”)
Step 3: In WinRar, browse to MediaClassesTrucks
Step 4: Extract the downloaded file to your downloads folder
Step 5: Open a new Windows Explorer window and browse to the downloaded file and drag it into winrar
Step 6: Choose under compression method: “Store” and press “OK”.
Step 7: Close Winrar and start the game!
if its not working its my first ever mod just let me know in the comments and ill jump on it right away