Pacific P12 Custom V0.0.1 Truck

Pacific P12 Custom V0.0.1 Truck
A collection of tweaks to the Pacific P12 aimed at improving the truck just enough to make it a viable choice in the Heavy category without making it overpowered. Big thanks to AnythingINC’s excellent Pacific P12W – Roughneck mod for inspiring me to make this mod and for some of the initial settings I started from in developing my own tweaks.
Tweaks include:
– Addition of snorkel options from AnythingINC’s excellent Pacific P12W – Roughneck mod
– Improved engine options including a tweaked Westline V16 2450 with better fuel economy
– Reduction in mass to 21,000kg to match real life, reduction split evenly between frame and cab.
– Two raised suspension options that provide realistically level ride height on chained or superheavy mud tires
– Revised tire sizes based on photographs of actual Pacific P12w’s
– Custom tire set to provide the looks of the MSH IV with the stats of the MSH III.
– Access to many more frame addon options including Russian heavy crane and a rear mounted Russian small crane (the Russian cranes are much better for wheel clearance and allow different mounting options than US cranes)
– Access to a working low saddle solution. This required me to place the low saddle right at the back of the frame and mounted super low, but low saddle trailers can now be used, detached, and reattached properly while using it.
– New color options designed to color match the blue of the small Russian crane and the yellow of the large Russian crane.